AIRFLOW 3000 Overlocker

Introducing our fastest, easiest, electronic air threader overlocker, the Brother Airflow 3000. Life can be a breeze, simply insert your thread into the threading holes, and ‘whoosh’ our air system guides it through the loopers for you. The Brother Airflow 3000 is built for speed and boasts an advanced needle threader, quick-release levers, and stitching speeds of up to 1,300spm. This versatile and durable overlocker is a must-have for any sewing room.


2504D Overlocker

The Brother 2504d Overlocker is the ideal solution for finishing edges and hems professionally and affordably. Sew seams, roll hems and add decorative effects with ease with this 3 or 4 thread overlocker featuring easy to follow lay-in threading, F.A.S.T. lower looper threading system, 4 colour threading guide, free-arm/flat bed convertible sewing surface and differential feed along with a host of other features to ensure greater speed, ease of use, versatility and an enhanced finish in your sewing and seams.


CV3550 Cover Stitch Machine

Discover the next level of creativity with the Brother CV3550 Coverstitch Machine. Whether creating durable strapping for athletic garments or utilising a chain stitch for hems, Brother cover stitch machines ensure a professional finish. Expand your design portfolio with a wide range of cover stitches on all types and weights of fabric for both decorative and functional applications. Whether you’d binding, hemming, top stitching or simply adding a decorative finishing touch, you can take your pick from a chain, wide cover or triple top coverstitch.
